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The innovators and the early adopters, can you spot them?

Before I start this post. I would like to thank TED talks for helping me enrich my world of marketing and more. One of the best talks I ever heard was made by  Simon Sinek  and was about how great leaders inspire action. In this post I would like to emphasis the change in my approach towards contacting customers and in which way to do it. Simon presented the following diagram: We need to talk to our customers from the inside to the outside. Conveying why we do things, how we do it and at last the what we do. As Simon said, people follow the why you do it and not the what you do.  Then he spoke about the innovators and the late adapters using the following diagram: Where he brakes down your customers into groups, where the innovators pass your story along with the early adopters.  The 80/20 rule also can be adjusted according to this diagram: 1. The Innovators - 2.5% - your top VIPs 2. Early Adopters - 13.5% - 2nd level VIPs 3....